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Definitive Acronym Repository & Yapping Library

Otherwise known as D.A.R.Y.L


HCC = Our win. Healthy Christian Community.

FIASCO = Our personality. Fun, Intense, Authentic, Straightforward, Community, Outsider focused.

ADD = How we get people to serve, or join a growth group, with personal invites. Ask, Details, Date.

SHIFT = How to teach people our mission, goals, etc. Help them to See it, Hear it, Internalize it, Feel it, and Teach it.

HAPPY = Primarily for how our on-stage people address the crowd. Happy. Aware of guests. People. Punchy. Yell.

ROADMAP = How people (normally) progress Spiritually, and at Revolution Church. 1st time visitor, welcome class, growth group, serving, leadership.

Church Goal = To help Spiritual Orphans by creating, and welcoming them into, our Healthy Christian Community.

Proverbs 12:1 = How we handle it when we’re corrected. “Whoever loves discipline, loves knowledge. But, he who hates correction is stupid.”

Jude 2 = How we want to live with each other, even when we mess up. “Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance.”

1 John 5:4a = Important truth to remember: “Everyone born of God overcomes the world.”

CRACKED = How we interpret the Bible correctly. Context, Revealed, Author’s intention, Credibility, Knit together, Early meaning and manuscripts, Dialect.

Spiritual Orphan = Someone who doesn’t know Jesus and/or isn’t involved in a true Christian Church.

Jerk Friend = The friend everyone needs. The friend who is willing to hold you accountable and say difficult things, because they love you. Proverbs 27:6.

“GROWTH” = The “GROWTH” in Growth Groups. Growth. ROadmap. Welfare. Train leaders. Healthy Christian Community.


