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Adoption and Foster Care


Immediate way to help: Purchase gift cards or toys for, or donate to, the “Blessed Hope Family” Adoptive/Foster Family Support Group in Salina, KS! They provide support, resources, and  host events for foster & adoptive families. This group is local to our community.


James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans…


8 Ways to Help Children in Need

  1. Pray for them. Find children at
  2. Speak up for them. Tell others the importance or become a court appointed advocate (
  3. Provide financially. Give to the church where a portion goes to orphan causes, give to the BIC Spice program, provide for those who can do foster care or adopt, share in a child’s adoption fund (Reece’s Rainbow).
  4. Support those who help orphans. Mow, baby sit, organize meals, give gifts cards to adoptive/foster parents.  Have a shower for a family adopting a child of any age.
  5. Become a foster parent. Adopt a child. Do the MAPP class: Contact St. Francis ( or TFI ( or review
  6. Mentor and care for them by forming a relationship with a foster/adopted children.
  7. Support and care for birth-parents who placed or are placing a child with an adoptive family.


Do you have questions? Pastor Jeff has adopted 5 kids, and has fostered 50-60 children! He would absolutely love to talk about this with you. Contact Revolution Church!


Real pictures of kids who needed to be adopted, in Kansas:

Cheyenne-N-4_20_17-4Scottie-T-6_17_16-2Janirra-S-8-30-17-2Adrianne-Armarion-P-Matthew-W-3_3_164032fc2ca4_Crystal P 2_17_15.jpg