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God has a plan for you, while you’re in college.

Three pieces of advice to get God’s best while in college.

1. “Do not worry.”

Jesus gives this great piece of advice. It was written in Greek, and he literally said, “Give no thought to your life.” We translate it “do not worry” because the idea is that we should take our eyes and minds off of the troubles we face.

College can bring plenty of anxiety. Tests. Friendships. Dating. Grades. COVID restrictions. Sports. Some of these can be fun – but can also cause a lot of stress.

Take Jesus’ words seriously by focusing on TODAY, and doing what you should today. Don’t worry about, “What will my grade be at the end!?” or “Will I make the starting position!?” Simply work hard. Give no thought, no anxiety, to what will happen. Only concern yourself with what you’re doing today.

2. Fight Temptation like never before.

Even if you’re at a Christian college (like Kansas Wesleyan, go Yotes!), College will bring temptation in ways you may never had to deal with before.

YOU ARE NOT PERFECT. God doesn’t expect perfection: he forgives you, if you believe in and follow Jesus. But, here are some common temptations you may face while in college:

  • People who claim to be Christian encouraging hypocritical behavior
  • Excessive drinking and drugs
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Greed/Focus on entertainment
  • Cheating

You gotta fight!

God’s plan for you involves doing what Jesus would do. Consider starting a Bible reading plan and joining a Church small group to keep your mind focused on God’s words rather than the millions of temptations around you.

3. Be involved in Church.

Even if you’re surrounded by Christian people at college, God still uses Church as the primary way for YOU to grow and know him. Even though college can be amazing, Jesus started – for your benefit – the Church, not colleges.

Connecting with God, off campus, is a healthy way to refresh your soul every week. Even serving in a Church ministry (kid’s ministry, worship music, tech crew, etc) changes your heart and the way you feel about God.

How about this Sunday you come check out Revolution Church. Don’t dress up. Show off your tattoos, if you have them. God cares more about YOU than anything else. It’s worth an hour or two.

We’re here to help you connect with God’s plan for you.

God has a plan for you!

We can help you understand it.