Title: “Like a Little Child” – Sermon by Bishop Ron Bowell (Luke 18:9-24)
Bishop Bowell’s sermon, “Like a Little Child,” analyzes what it means to receive and enter the kingdom of God with childlike faith. The discourse is structured around passages from Luke 18:15-17, Matthew 18:1-4, and Luke 18:16-17.
The sermon’s context is defined by the preceding and following verses (Luke 18:9-14 and Luke 18:18-24). Bowell elaborates on Jesus’ appreciation for children’s characteristics, such as having little pride, fewer possessions, and almost no power, contrasting them with a prideful Pharisee and a wealthy ruler from the verses.
The core message of the sermon is to approach God without pride, power, or possessions. A childlike disciple should worry less, forgive and love more, have faith, and value giving over ownership.
In conclusion, Bowell warns against the spiritual risks of wealth, as illustrated in Mark 10:22.
SEO Keywords: Bishop Ron Bowell, Like a Little Child, Sermon, Kingdom of God, Childlike Faith, Pride, Possessions, Power, Humility, Love, Forgiveness.