Title: “Suffering has Meaning” in the Easter 2023 Series by Jeff Piepho (April 9, 2023)
In his Easter sermon, Jeff Piepho delves into the profound subject of suffering, using John 9 as the foundational scripture. Piepho challenges common misconceptions about suffering, illustrated by the story of the blind man who many believed was afflicted due to sin. However, Piepho emphasizes the actual purpose behind his blindness: to magnify “God’s works” and confirm Jesus as the Messiah.
Drawing from a diverse range of scriptures, from Isaiah’s prophecies to the accounts of crucifixion in Mark, the message underscores that God’s grand plans often surpass human understanding. Jesus’ crucifixion, perceived by many as a sign of his vulnerability, is in truth a testament to the depth of God’s love for us.
Using compelling visual aids, like ropes spanning the sanctuary and engaging ATV videos, Piepho ensures a dynamic delivery. He enriches the sermon by referencing the promise of the New Earth from Revelation and Isaiah, pointing to a future devoid of suffering.
Piepho provides listeners with practical steps to navigate through suffering. From recognizing the significance of obedience to God, redirecting focus from present tribulations to eternal promises, to the importance of nurturing a deeper bond with God and His followers, he offers tangible guidance for believers to find meaning in their challenges.