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Three Fs of Failing Faith

Categories: Articles

Three Fs of Failing Faith


We fear what will happen to our lives, and what we value, if we truly put our trust in God all the way. “Will he ask me to give up what I love? Will he expose something I did?” What do you fear?
Faith must overwhelm our fear.
Destroy your fear by choosing to trust God despite what may come. Move forward by *trusting* he is good, he is forgiving, and he has a perfect plan.


Instead of being completely honest about where we’re at, we pretend we’re doing better than we are. It kills us. We try to save face and look good in front of people. This type of behavior will only deepen our troubles.
Get rid of fakeness by being honest with Godly people about where you’re at. Do not try to impress. Try to learn. Share your struggles. Ask questions.


Like everything else in the Universe our faith needs fuel. Too often we run our souls on empty tanks and still hope for high-performance. That is a recipe for disaster.
The fuel for our souls are the Spiritual disciplines such as: Daily Bible reading (start in the book of Matthew). Daily (or more) prayer. Weekly Church, in person (worship/fellowship/learning/praying/prophesying). Weekly small group meeting about our faith, with people who care about us and hold us accountable. Generous giving of our finances (it changes our hearts!). Regular risk-taking for God. Periodic fasting (it focuses us). Repentance from sin. Confession to God. Scripture memorization.
There are a lot of ways to fuel your soul! Some are more important early on. So if you only want to focus on three, do Church, Bible reading, and a small group. Those help keep us accountable and provide a foundation for all the other fuel-disciplines.
Keep in mind these three Fs and instead having a faith that is failing, you will have a faith that is flourishing!
Author: Jeff Piepho

Jeff is the founding Pastor of Revolution Church, and host of Truth Revolution. Not afraid to laugh at himself, his sermons contain plenty of examples of how he needs to apply what we are all learning.